Room for the Antithetical

February 27, 2012

*very gently*
When you have been inspired to speak, to motivate, to move the world around you, know that it is okay to allow room for the antithetical.
Embrace that which you cannot understand! Enfold it in the absolute intent to fully understand, and vow to become one with it.
To become one with anything is to know it absolutely.
I want to know everything absolutely!
Therefore, I am not afraid to hear you! I am not afraid to see everything that you see – your way! I am not afraid to touch that which you have touched, and understand your perceptions.
I am open to your truth.
So – it is okay to explore every thought in the entire world, right alongside your firmly held, rightly earned beliefs.
But your soul will whisper to you when it needs fresh air, and you will be bound by love to breathe.
Go ahead – breathe!
Fresh air will never hurt you – you can always choose to go back inside, refreshed, and better for it.

Create Our Future

February 23, 2012

I am so glad to be alive, so grateful, so full of purpose!
I can change the world so that NO ONE has to go through what I’ve gone through (and so many others with and before me) – and so can all of you. This can be the last go-round for suffering, pain and death.
First – know it can be done.
The best food, shelter, and clothing for every human being on earth.
Second – align yourselves with the principles of true freedom. Freedom from evil, financial tyranny, slavery, oppression – all of it. Know that it is your Divine Nature to be free and to thrive. Want it again! Own it. Draw a circle around it and invite your friends in…
Third – Be the change you want to see in this world. You don’t have to donate money, you don’t have to protest, you don’t have to show up.
You just have to be the best “Me” you can be.

The Power of Words

February 23, 2012

I just read an article about the power of words. Do you realize that the only thing Hitler ever used to sway people to commit unspeakable atrocities was words?
So, we’ve established the power of words. So what does that say about the power of one’s thoughts, from which words spring?
Always be aware of your thoughts, for those are what create the Multiverse.

Go Within

February 18, 2012

Let me tell you this:
You do not need to leave the spot on which you are standing to change this world, and fulfill your purpose.
I believe that our combined energy when gathered to “protest” actually feeds the negative ruling cabal. It really does. It plays right into Its hands.
Protesting served its purpose in history, but I would like to gently posit that that history is over.
We are smarter now.
We are more powerful now.
We change ourselves with the knowledge we are so vigorously pursuing…we become the knowledge and it peels away a veil, a layer…
We vibrate faster, we glow harder, we become bearers of light instead of working on it.
As bearers of light, we become a beacon for those who are waking more slowly than us, and bring all of our brothers and sisters into their unity consciousness.
We must stop going outward and protesting.
We must.
Instead, we must go within…and become the light.

The Power of Silent Example

February 9, 2012

It’s important when showing people the truth to temper it with kindness and discernment. Sometimes, if seeing truth rise is your ultimate goal, being silent and allowing someone to discover it on their own is more fruitful in the long run. Setting a silent example is extremely powerful, in many ways.

The best way to show someone what is in the sky is to gaze upward.

The “blind” may not see what you see yet, but they can see you – so never miss an opportunity to show them the importance of what you see by the way you think, speak and act.

Living a life of example engenders the change you want to see.

Don’t you just love the way we’re all evolving – and destined to evolve? It is an exciting time to be alive, and I’m humbled to know that our purposes are great, and that we are indeed, beginning to fly just beautifully!


The Power of Attention

February 7, 2012

Your true power to change things comes at the moment when, after you’ve exposed yourself to all the information and knowledge about what Evil is up to in this world, you make a conscious effort to turn away from it and focus on it no more. That which you put your attention on flourishes and prospers, that which you take your attention away from will wither away and disappear.
So, continue to look at all the Evil, but when you’re satisfied that you have discerned Its true nature, turn your precious attention to something beautiful. Focus on love, do an act of random kindness, even just close your eyes after an horrific image and think the word “love”. Imagine sending all your love and kindness to the places that you read about or see where Evil is rampant.
Don’t attempt to fight Evil head-on. It only makes It stronger. Truly, I say to you, Evil cannot love. Evil cannot be changed. We must shine so bright, and cause such light to shine forth from our thoughts, words and our actions, that Evil will cease to exist. It will fall away as we Ascend higher and higher.
But if you focus on It, It only gets bigger…

Keep ‘Em Positive!

February 4, 2012

I am concerned wholly with the content of my thoughts. This is my connection to the source field, from which all of us spring, and it is imperative that we think our thoughts with the utmost positive intent. When we become aware of our thoughts, and work to keep them beautiful, we create beauty around us.
We created all this unknowingly (with help from a lot of fear-based manipulation). Imagine what we can create knowingly! We can create something entirely new, entirely free of evil (and make no mistake Evil is real and it is not human), and perfectly beautiful.
But it must start from within each and every one of us.
Be the change we want to see!

Thoughts Create

February 1, 2012

Our collective thoughts have created and are creating the world around us. So take a look around – don’t like what you see? Start thinking differently – with love as the basis for every thought – and watch the Universe begin to roll in ecstasy at our feet.
The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock holds many keys to our further enlightenment. I am about a hundred pages in and my life has been so much further illumined – we are all connected by a Source Field, and in so being connected, affect it and each other. Thoughts count! They are the jump from the Source Field to our consciousness, and from our consciousness we create what we have thought.
It is imperative to be aware of every thought, and to make sure that it is a thought that has love as its source. If it is not of love, then what source are we connecting with?
Nothing I want to connect to…

Forgive Evil – Never Forget

January 27, 2012

Forgive – but don’t ever forget. To forget the nature of Evil would be foolish.
To forgive sets us free, to forget puts us back at square one.
To forgive does not change the nature of Evil. Nothing has ever changed the nature of Evil, and if anything ever can, it cannot be our concern any longer.
Our innate goodness is what has made us such an easy target for all that which is evil. To evolve, we must decide to forever turn away from evil – to never give it another chance at love.
We’ve given all we have to give, and then some – and Evil has consistently remained true to its nature.
We have to accept that Evil cannot be “rehabilitated” and turn away from it forever.
Not kill it, or bring it to justice, or pay any more attention to it all. Just let It slip away into the void of 3-D reality when we ascend into 4 and then 5-D reality.
And so it is.

I Have Joined “The Source Field Investigations”

January 26, 2012

My copy of David Wilcock’s “The Source Field Investigations” arrived today. It is an impressive read already, and I think everyone here would feel like I do…like I have a life-changing work in my hands, and a lot of answers and dots connected are to be had here.
I’ll keep you all posted on how it moves me.